"types": [
"World economic outlook",
"Consolidated assessment ratings",
const sources = [
provider: "Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations",
dataset: "Food production",
"FAO's work on crops, livestock and food statistics (CLFS) focuses on providing essential global food and agricultural data that covers the three domains of crops and livestock: production (primary and processed), global agricultural trade and food balance sheets (FBS).",
indicators_number: 34,
indicators_type: "Numeric",
tags: "ESG, SDG, Food",
url: "",
provider: "Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations",
dataset: "Food security",
"Food security exists when all people at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life (FAO 2000)",
indicators_number: 20,
indicators_type: "Numeric",
tags: "ESG, SDG, Food",
url: "",
provider: "International Monetary Fund",
dataset: "World Economic Outlook",
"The World Economic Outlook (WEO) database is created during the biannual WEO exercise, which begins in January and June of each year and results in the April and September/October WEO publication. Selected series from the publication are available in a database format.",
indicators_number: 10,
indicators_type: "Numeric",
tags: "Macro-Economics",
url: "",
provider: "INFORM",
dataset: "INFORM Risk Index",
"INFORM has three dimensions: hazard & exposure, vulnerability and lack of coping capacity. Each dimension encompasses different categories, which are user-driven concepts related to the needs of humanitarian and resilience actors.",
indicators_number: 40,
indicators_type: "Numeric",
tags: "ESG, SDG",
url: "",
provider: "International Monetary Fund",
dataset: "Reserves",
"Assessing Reserve Adequacy (ARA) dataset presents a new measure for assessing adequacy of reserve holdings for 78 emerging market countries from 2000 to present.",
indicators_number: 10,
indicators_type: "Numeric",
tags: "Macro-Economics",
url: "",
provider: "UNEP",
dataset: "Global Material Flows Database",
"The Global Material Flows Database provides data to help governments, policy researchers and interested stakeholders understand and trace the linkages between economic growth and raw material usage. Such information is basic for the development of effectively targeted sustainable consumption and production strategies. It also builds a strong quantitative basis upon which the success or failure of those strategies in lowering resources use can subsequently be assessed.",
indicators_number: 23,
indicators_type: "Numeric",
tags: "ESG, SDG",
url: "",
provider: "US Department of State",
dataset: "Major drug-transit countries (INCSR Vol I)",
description: "Major illicit drug producing and/or drug-transit countries.",
indicators_number: 1,
indicators_type: "Boolean",
tags: "Financial Crime, AML",
url: "",
provider: "US Department of State",
dataset: "Major precursor chemical source countries (INCSR Vol I)",
"Countries and jurisdictions have been identified to be major sources of precursor or essential chemicals used in the production of illicit narcotics.",
indicators_number: 1,
indicators_type: "Boolean",
tags: "Financial Crime, AML",
url: "",
provider: "US Department of State",
dataset: "Major money laundering jurisdications (INCSR Vol II)",
"Countries identified to be major money laundering jurisdictions.",
indicators_number: 1,
indicators_type: "Boolean",
tags: "Financial Crime, AML",
url: "",
provider: "US Department of State",
dataset: "Money laundering comparative table",
"The comparative table following the Glossary of Terms below identifies the broad range of actions, effective as of December 31, 2021, that jurisdictions have, or have not, taken to combat drug money laundering. This reference table provides a comparison of elements that include legislative activity and other identifying characteristics that can have a relationship to a jurisdiction’s money laundering vulnerability. For those questions relating to legislative or regulatory issues, “Y” is meant to indicate legislation has been enacted to address the captioned items. It does not imply full compliance with international standards.",
indicators_number: 14,
indicators_type: "Boolean",
tags: "Financial Crime, AML",
url: "",
provider: "US Department of State",
dataset: "Money laundering country profile",
description: "Country profile information.",
indicators_number: 1,
indicators_type: "Text",
tags: "Financial Crime, AML",
url: "",
provider: "FATF",
dataset: "FATF Country Listing",
description: "Country listed on the black or grey list.",
indicators_number: 2,
indicators_type: "Boolean",
tags: "AML",
url: "",
provider: "FATF",
dataset: "Consolidated assessment ratings",
"FATF and FSRBs conduct peer reviews on an ongoing basis to assess how effectively their respective members' AML/CFT measures work in practice, and how well they have implemented the technical requirements of the FATF Recommendations.",
indicators_number: 51,
indicators_type: "Categorical",
tags: "AML",
url: "",
62 Data sources
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